| 0771 200 2898
Our visions and dreams for the future are to expand our existing Cerebral Palsy Football Team, allowing more children the opportunity to be involved in a sport that they otherwise would not be able to.
Our long term goal is to obtain land and build a hydrotherapy pool.
Physiotherapy is essential to maintain the children's mobility, develop coordination, build strength, improve balance, maintain flexibility, optimise physical functioning levels and maximise independence.
The benefits of hydrotherapy are huge and among other things can reduce pain and muscle spasm, strengthen weak muscle groups, improve coordination, and improve posture and balance. Exercise in water appeals to children with Cerebral Palsy because of the unique quality of the buoyancy of the water. This reduces joint loading and impact and decreases the negative influences of poor balance and poor postural control. Hydrotherapy usually consists of gentle stretching, flotation and relaxing exercises, strengthening exercises against the resistance of the water and movement exercises within the water. Unfortunately there are now no hydrotherapy pools available within our area for the NHS to use.
BBCPFC is a strong family unit, allowing parents to share ideas and experiences. We want to reach out to other families who have a child with Cerebral Palsy and allow them to join our amazing club.
We completely understand that we have big challenges ahead if we are to achieve our ambitions, but are fully committed to our plight. Our ambitions will not only benefit our current children but future generations for years to come.